Thursday 1 December 2011

Parliament in winter session

His Majesty the King Jigme Khesar graced the opening of the fourth session of the first parliament of Bhutan on Friday.The speaker of the National Assembly Jigme Tshultim, chairing the session, highlighted the important events that took place after the third session of the parliament.
The main agenda for the fourth session will be the Bhutan Standards Bill, Royal Monetary Authority (amendment)) Bill of Bhutan, Tobacco Control Bill of Bhutan and Marriage Bill which were earlier deliberated and endorsed in the third session of the National Council.
During the 22 days of the session, the Civil Service Bill of Bhutan which was deliberated by the two Houses in the third session will again be discussed and possibly passed in this session.
Tshogpon Jigme Tshultim said he hopes that all the bills will be passed in the fourth session.
Besides, the people of Pemagatshel dzongkhag has submitted for an approval of raise in the land ceiling allocated for construction of gewog office which has been fixed at 45 decimals. The people pointed out that the small size of land not only hinders the basic infrastructural development but also the implementation of local government programs and activities.
Tshogpon Jigme Tshultim said most of the issues submitted through the local government pertain to development issues, and these have been forwarded to the respective ministries by the National Assembly.
“It is crucial that the ministries take necessary and timely actions on these issues,” said the Speaker.
The Chairperson for Ethics and Credentials Committee will present the Anti-Corruption Commission report to the Parliament and the finance minister, Lyonpo Wangdi Norbu will move the motion for re-deliberation on the Entitlement and Service Conditions Bills for the constitutional post holders.
If a joint sitting of the two Houses is deemed neccesary, it may happen on December 10. But such a sitting is quite rare in other countries because most diffrences between the two Houses are generally resolved between respective committees.
From November 23, the respective Houses will hold their own sessions and except for the closing cermony on December 11, there may not be a joint sitting.
In the National Council session, there will be report of status of amendment of Anti-Corruption Act 2006, Penal Code 2004 and Civil and Criminal Procedure 2001.
This will be followed by the presentation of annual report of Anti-Corruption Commission, status of NC's past resolutions, ratification of SAARC convention on mutual assistance on criminal matters, Standards Bill, and Tobacco Control Bill and Amendments of RMA bill and Marriage Act 1980 and possibly, Declaration of Thromdes

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