Thursday 1 December 2011


Feb 18, 2009-Paro: Various emotions coursed through the minds of graduates from the two Colleges of Education yesterday in Paro. For these graduates it was the end of one life and the dawn of another.
This was their convocation, a day which each graduate waited for, dressed in their finest garbs with a dark blue gown and a hat.
Excitement filled the air as they waited for the arrival of His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck. Another moment, everyone had waited for.
“It’s a significant day for me, an honor and a reward for a lifetime of hard work. My degree will be awarded by my King,” said Karma Wangmo.
As teachers play a fundamental role in securing the future of the next generation, the graduates believed it was their duty to give the best of everything to the youth.
Addressing the graduates, His Majesty said the largest section of the population were the youth and addressing the quality of education “will determine whether we will build strong young citizens who will ensure a long bright future for the nation - or fail and confine such a large number of our young children and their children to generations of hardship and struggle.”
Even though teaching was a challenging profession however, Sarita Devi Monger said it was a profession which belts out life’s lessons every day and will keep her learning each new day.
His Majesty said he was a firm believer that if there is one word that will stand out above all other words to describe the country’s amazing journey of modernization over the last few decades - it was Education. “Our institutions, our leaders of today, all of us, including me are the proud products of the Bhutanese education system,” said His Majesty.
Quoting His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, “The future of our nation lies in the hands of our children,” His Majesty said the quality of education for the young Bhutanese was of paramount importance. And the duty as today’s parents, leaders and citizens was to provide it.
“We must ensure that their young little hands grow to become strong and worthy of carrying our nation to greater heights,” said His Majesty.
As Sangay held his degree close to his heart, he looked forward for a future of to provide the best education. He pledged to serve his country to the best of his ability.
Repeating the words of His Majesty, “A nation’s future will mirror the quality of her youth, a nation cannot fool herself into thinking of a bright future when she has not invested wisely in her children,” he says he will bring out the best in the youth for his country’s future.
His Majesty told the graduates that the nation’s future lies in an ever-shrinking world, the government’s goals, and the 10th plan reflected this reality.
But, His Majesty said if changing realities brought new ambitions and goals; it must also bring new plans and preparation.
Speaking about his concerns about the education system, His Majesty said the country’s education system built and nurtured with hard work and dedication has served well. But times have changed in Bhutan and all around us in the world and Bhutan could not face new challenges with the same tools.
His Majesty said teachers will always be committed and dedicated teachers, students will always be diligent and loyal students, but it is the duty of parents, policy makers and the government to put the right tools in their hands, the right books, the right curriculum, the right direction.
“Our hopes and aspirations as a nation must be reflected in what is taught to our future generations in the classroom,” said His Majesty.
Reflecting on His Majesty’s words a graduate said, “This day makes me think of appreciating myself; this day has given me the aspiration to help the youth.”
His Majesty said, “Our nation’s vision can only be fulfilled if the scope of our dreams and aspirations are matched by the reality of our commitment to nurturing our future citizens.”
893 graduates from Paro College of Education and 788 from Samtse College of Education were conferred the degree at the third convocation of the Royal University of Bhutan.
The two Colleges of Education has trained 5,339 teachers since their establishment in 1968 and 1975 respectively and trained around 500 teachers every year.

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