Thursday 1 December 2011


Oct 22, 2008-Thimphu: Thirty four years ago, Karma Choden witnessed a King being crowned. She was young too, like the Young King.

By Tshering Chuki Gyamtsho (Bhutan Times)

Now in her early 60s, Karma Choden feels her life will come full circle when she will witness the coronation of the Young King’s son on November 6.

She vividly remembers the three days of celebration in June 1974 when His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck was crowned the fourth King of Bhutan.

The ceremonies started at seven in the morning on June 2. The Royal Procession from Dechenchholing was greeted with a guard of honor at the Tashichhodzong after His Majesty took the ‘Long Life’ blessing.

In a convoy of 11 vehicles, His Majesty the fourth Druk Gyalpo was seated in the eighth car.

On arrival at the altar next to the throne room with the Je Khenpo, His Majesty took the five scarves from the altar, wore them and ascended the throne. Seventy-seven guests including royal family members, senior government officials, monks, and representatives of international organizations witnessed the moment.

On November 6, 2008, as part of the ceremony at the Tashichhodzong, His Majesty the fifth Druk Gyalpo shall grant an audience to the general public at Tendrel Thang, the ceremonial ground. The people can offer Tashi Khadar to His Majesty then.

The members of the royal family will offer Tashi Khadar to His Majesty in the throne room. The clergy, international guests, and officials will offer Khadar at the Kunrey of the Tashichhodzong.

The first day of the coronation celebrations at the Changlimithang Stadium will be on November 7. The celebration will comprise colorful programs performed by all sections of the society belonging to different regions and cultural backgrounds, including government bodies, dratshang, and the three armed forces.

Lyonchen Jigme Y. Thinley said the coronation will be an event that will be primarily celebrated by the King and the people with minimal guests from outside.

For the coronation of the fourth Druk Gyalpo, the Indian president, the king of Nepal, and the Chogyal of Sikkim were invited. Thirteen heads of various missions in New Delhi and seven representatives of international organizations were also on the guest list.

On June 4, 1974, series of lama dances, lay dances, and folk dances were performed at the chapel courtyard in the Kunrey at the Tashichhodzong. Ashi Nangsa, a play, was staged at the Lophel Theater by the students of the Thimphu Public School.

In the evening of June 4, fireworks were displayed.

This year, on November 8, the cultural programs at the Changlimithang Stadium will be more informal with a variety of games and competitions.

People who have contributed to the Bhutanese society in art, architecture, and various other fields will be recognized during the occasion with medals and certificates.

The 2008 coronation will see 32 representatives at the ambassador level, of which 23 countries include those Bhutan has diplomatic relationships with.

Lyonchen Jigme Y. Thinley said the government had not invited royalties and dignitaries from around the world as His Majesty had wanted to celebrate the coronation with the Bhutanese people. He added the limited infrastructure in Bhutan could not accommodate international guests of a large number.

India will yet again be represented by the president for the coronation of the fifth Druk Gyalpo along with the foreign minister.

The Gandhi family headed by Sonia Gandhi will be attending the coronation. Lyonchen Jigme Y. Thinley said the Gandhi family has always been close to Bhutan since Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s time.

Forty-two media personnel came to Bhutan to take the coronation to the world in 1974. The Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS), then a radio station, and Kuensel, then a government news bulletin, were the only local media.

But this year, more than 100 news agencies will report the coronation of His Majesty from Thimphu. There will be four newspapers, four radio stations and BBS covering the coronation for Bhutan.

On November 1, His Majesty Jigme Khesar will receive the seven colored dhar of empowerment from the Machhen Lhakhang of Zhabdrung Nawang Namgyal in Punakha Dzong. The Je Khenpo will preside over the ceremony in the presence of the fourth Druk Gyalpo.

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