Thursday 1 December 2011


Feb 22, 2009-Thimphu: A King was born on this day; a day, forever etched in the pages of history; a day to be remembered by posterity, a day for celebration, the day was February 21, 1980.
His Majesty the Fifth Druk Gyalpo Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck turned 29 yesterday. Together, the youth marched in celebration and his people gathered to celebrate His Majesty’s birthday all over the country.
At the Changlimethang ground yesterday, hundreds of people gathered to celebrate His Majesty’s 29th birthday, His first as the King of Bhutan.
Students from Thimphu schools stood in lines, the captains of each school holding the national flag. As empty chairs started filling with guests, people of all ages filled the public gallery to witness the occasion.
The prime minister, Lyonchen Jigmi Y. Thinley, the chief guest for the occasion was escorted into the ground in a Chipdrel ceremony while the students added final touches to their performances dedicated to His Majesty.
Praying for His Majesty’s long life as the National Anthem was sung, Sangay Dorji from Paro clasped his hands in prayer and wished for the well being of his King, he said it was his way of wishing His Majesty on his birthday.
His Majesty Jigme Khesar is a keen and fairly accomplished artist and photographer.
While His Majesty likes to travel and learn from different cultures, most of His Majesty’s travels are within Bhutan to remote rural villages.
His Majesty lives by the motto ‘service before self’ and says ‘my ambition and goals are lodged within those of my people and country’.
As the students marched the Changlimethang ground, the National Flag raised up in the air, a group of Yangchenphug Higher Secondary School students pledged to serve their King and country, while they wished him, “Happy birthday Your Majesty.”
As the prime minister greeted the guests, the medals on his gho, scarf and one around his neck, shone with brilliance on a clear blue day.
In His Majesty’s coronation address, His Majesty said the most important citizens were the youth. His Majesty said the future of nation depends on the worth, capabilities and motivation of today’s youth.
“I will not rest until I have given you the inspiration, knowledge and skills so that you will not only fulfill your own aspirations but be of immense worth to the nation. This is my sacred duty,” He said. A strong motivated young Bhutan guarantees a strong bright future, His Majesty added.
Yesterday, on His Majesty’s birthday BT spoke to students from Thimphu schools.
They said to be able to be a part of His Majesty’s birthday celebration was in itself a great honor. “We can’t let our King down. As His Majesty’s birthday present from me, I would like to assure His Majesty that I will work toward Bhutan’s bright future,” said Tashi Peldon, a junior high school student.
Quoting His Majesty, “The future is neither unseen nor unknown. It is what we make of it. What work we do with our two hands today will shape the future of our nation.
Our children’s tomorrow has to be created by us today,” Karma Tenzin said His Majesty’s words in itself inspired him to be a better person.
Speaking at the celebration yesterday, Lyonchen Jigmi Y. Thinley said the people of Bhutan would like to pay their sincere respect and homage to His Majesty the King on his birthday.
“May this day be celebrated for hundred of years to come and lets us celebrate this occasion with great joy and happiness,” he said.
The prime minister said the day was an auspicious day for Bhutan for 28 years ago on this day; his Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck was born with propitious signs.
His Majesty’s early education commenced in Bhutan and continued His education in America and the United Kingdom. His Majesty studied Innovations in Governance at the Kennedy School of Government, Politics and International Relations at Oxford University, Foreign Service Program, Queen Elizabeth House.
His Majesty also studied at Wheaton College and Cushing Academy in America.
On the invitation of the Indian government, His Majesty also attended the National Defense College in New Delhi.
His Majesty has received Honorary Doctorates from the University of New Brunswick, Canada, and Rangsit University, Thailand.
In addition to the King’s official duties, His Majesty oversees the Royal University of Bhutan as Chancellor; Patron of the Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Patron of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies and the European Convention of Bhutan Societies and President of Bhutan India Friendship Association.

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