Thursday 1 December 2011

ECB warns parties for lapses during elections

Feb 4, 2009-Thimphu: The Election Commission of Bhutan has warned the two political parties, candidates, and party workers in an audit report released last Saturday.
The chief election commissioner, Dasho Kunzang Wangdi, said warnings for financial and other lapses during elections have been sent to all concerned.
Both parties had collected membership fees without confirming the registration of members in the electoral roll, the report says.
The People’s Democratic Party and the Druk Phuensum Tshogpa had 153 and 2,761 unconfirmed members.
Both parties were asked to confirm the registration status of members without further delay.
The parties were also found guilty for accepting contributions without confirming the voters.
Under electoral laws, the names of such persons must be removed from the member list and action taken for the breach.
However, the ECB considered giving time to the parties till the end of February to confirm the status of members.
While DPT has not yet been able to service their loan, the PDP has finally managed to service the loan overdraft taken from the Bank of Bhutan by surrendering the former PDP president Sangay Ngedup’s land.
However, even if the party pays back the money to the former president, it is not permissible according to electoral laws as it will amount to borrowing from individuals. Loans or advances can only be taken from financial institutions within Bhutan.
The audit report points out that money receipts were reported to be missing by both the political parties.
Moreover, the report mentions of PDP members burning receipt booklets after the defeat. The audit report states the receipts were public documents and destroying them is an offence of felony of the fourth degree under the Penal Code of Bhutan.
However, there was no evidence in this case for further action.
The ECB has issued a reprimand to the two parties for their negligence and warned that severe action will be taken for such breach in future.
The audit found that 275 PDP receipt booklets and 63 DPT booklets used for fund collection have not been returned to the headquarters.
It was also found that the PDP has not yet adjusted advances of Nu 104,167 made to the dzongkhag coordinators. The audit requires the PDP to devise a system so that unused funds are not retained for a long period of time.
The PDP had purchased a second-hand Prado and the DPT a second-hand Hilux, the ownership of which has not yet been transferred into the name the parties.
Both parties were asked to transfer the ownership of the vehicles by February end.
A total of 79 National Council and National Assembly candidates who took part in the first democratic elections have not submitted their justifications for audit objections, the report states.
Among the 94 candidates who took part in the National Assembly elections, 88 of them have audit objections.
Only six candidates do not have any audit objections: former PDP president Sangay Ngedup, Lyonpo Khandu Wangchuk, Lyonpo Wangdi Norbu, Dr. Tobgyel Wangchuk (the PDP north Thimphu candidate), Ngeema Sangay Tshenpo (the PDP candidate for Lhamoizingkha-Trashiding), and Kinley Dorji (the DPT’s Goen- Khamae-Lunana candidate).
Of the 52 NC candidates 49 have audit objections. Only three candidates have no audit objections which includes Karma Donnen Wangdi from Sarpang, Ugyen Tshering from Paro, and Pema Dukpa from Tsirang.
While 24 National Council candidates submitted their justifications, 25 candidates have not yet responded to the objections.
Nineteen NC candidates exceeded the expenditure limit of Nu 100,000 during the elections amounting to a total of Nu 125,448.
Sangay Tempa of Pemagatshel exceeded the amount by Nu 28, 663, while Jigme Wangchuk of Samdrup Jongkhar exceeded it by Nu 30.
Sonam Penjore, the DPT candidate for Kengkhar-Weringla, exceeded the expenditure limit the highest by Nu 62, 947 while PDP’s Chencho Dorji exceeded it only by Nu 1.
A total of 41 candidates for the National Assembly exceeded the expenditure amounting to a total of Nu 322,265.

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